As I began typing the title for this post I had full intentions on letting you in early on my weight loss this week. My actual weigh in day is not until Friday but I'm just so stinking excited about this week, you'll have to wait until then for the posted results. It seems everything fell into place this week - THANK YOU BODY!! I needed a pick me up'er after last weeks -1.5lb weigh in. I can finally write about almost being out of the 220's...I can't believe it ya'll!! I can't believe I'm almost out of them and it feels great! Just a few short weeks ago, on March 25th I wrote a blog about "almost being out of the 230's" Now here I am writing one about the 220's. It's just so surreal to me for several reasons.
1. I'm actually doing it.
2. I am in control of my body.
3. I'm actually doing it.
So hopefully this will be my final post while in the 220's. I'm moving on to bigger and better things, eh, scratch that, make that smaller and better things. Fat, I don't have time for you anymore as I have a life to live for myself.