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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Journey of Eating Clean

Today is day 3 of Eating Clean and so far so good. I have constant temptation around me but I stay focused. My fridge and pantry has not been cleaned out so it still has all the junk that the rest of my family eats in it, so it's hard to not go grab a bag of chips but I stay focused on the big picture.

The 1st day I began EC my husband tempted me with take-out pizza. I thought it was rather rude knowing the struggle I was going to endure to shove "good" food in my face on the 1st day. Then I began thinking that I need to get used to denying temptation because everywhere I go there is food around me. When I'm a the gym, food commercials come on - Burger King, Red Lobster, etc. Temptation will always be there but it's up to me to form good habits and be able to deny them.

Last night (day 2) was a little harder and I caved. My husband and I got into an argument so I went to the gym for awhile then sat in a parking lot and read a book for about 2 hours. I wasn't home to eat dinner and by this time it was about 10:30 pm. I had fast food but I made as smart of a choice as possible. I went to Wendy's and got a grilled chicken sandwich with lettuce, tomato, WW bread and low fat honey mustard. I didn't upsize and I did eat one 'finger grab' of fries (maybe 3-5) before quickly putting it down. I will not let this get me down as I am strong and I will fight. This I'm sure is the first of many "slip ups" and I just need to be strong enough to pick myself back up and walk on.


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