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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Puddles, Mud, and Boys OH MY!

We have this very annoying dip in our driveway that collects all of the water running down our street as well as from the run-off from our backyard. Every time it rains just a little we get this puddle. It's always been a nuisance until now. Why now you ask?? Because I have BOYS. What boy doesn't love playing in puddles with mud and worms?

I took the boys out to play in the water and it wasn't until we stepped outside that I realized it was about 50 degrees outside and really windy. I really should not have let them play in the puddle but I already told them what we were going to do, so as soon as they went outside - off they went. I only let them play for about 5-10 was just too chilly. I expect many more days like this, hopefully warmer and I'll check the temp outside first next time. Nonetheless, they had a blast and HATED when it was time to come in, even thoough their poor feet were red.

I'll shut up now and post the pictures.


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