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Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday's Weigh In...

Well, today didn't go so well. As you can see I am missing a weigh in from Friday, April 8. My husband had a loss in his family so we ended up traveling to Missouri on a very short notice. We left out Friday morning about 4 a.m. and got home Sunday night. This was my first time traveling on this new lifestyle and I was NOT prepared. I ended up having to eat fast food every meal. Fortunately for me, I felt so stinking bloated that I skipped several meals. I weighed myself the Monday after we got home and I weighed 232.6 - OUCH. That hurt! I had to lose that weight all over again that I just busted my ass the previous week to lose the first time. Well, I'm back down to 228.9 as of this morning. Yesterday I was 228.1. I really don't get it though. I REALLY pushed myself at the gym this week and ate right and I'm still 228. Seeing that I weighed 228.9 this morning after busting my ass this week really ticked me off so I said, "what the hell, it's not working anyways" and had myself a bowl of Lucky Charms for breakfast. I guess that was my "poor poor pitiful me" meal. I've lost weight A LOT quicker than this before..losing 32 lbs in 3 months during a contest by eating low calorie foods. I ended up getting pregnant shortly after so I'm not sure if the weight would have stayed off or not. I just want it off already. Oh, well - onto next week.

There is a positive thing that came from this week :) When I first began working out a month or so ago, I couldn't go faster than 2.8 mph on the treadmill without severe burning in my calves. Well...last night I went 3.1mph and I did it! It felt great!!! I also walk on a 9.5% incline at 2.5mph for 2 minutes, then 0% incline at 3.1mph for 2 minutes, etc. I've realized that when I go slower on incline it works my muscles more than when I'm walking it fast.


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