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Friday, March 18, 2011

Ashamed. Pitied. Lazy. Embarrassed.Regret

So here I sit motivated than ever to get fit and healthy. But this comes at a time where I've let myself go for so long that it's going to be really challenging to get to the point where I need to be to be healthy.

I took my boys to the park today and shortly after arriving this Mother and her 3 yr old son strolled in. Her and I ended up talking for a good bit and I learned something about her that made me feel ashamed. She was an avid runner, competing in 5K's, interval training and had lost 105 lbs. Then she had surgery.....on her BRAIN. They had to drill through her skull and drain fluid. That was 6 months ago. Today, she has experienced complications from the surgery and has a leak in her brain that causes daily pain/headaches in the back of her head. The leak can take 6-12 months to heal. Considering this, she still gets out and walks daily, trying her best to get back to running. She is currently walking about 5 miles a day, THAT is DETERMINATION. I looked at her and felt pity for myself. Other than being fat, I'm perfectly healthy unless laziness is a disease and I find it hard to exercise sometimes. WHAT EXCUSE DO I HAVE??? If she didn't want to exercise she could say..." I just had brain surgery 6 months ago and currently have a leak in my brain and my head is hurting today, just like it does everyday - so I'm not going to exercise." Someone would say, "I don't blame you, take it easy"...but what excuse do I have?? I can't come up with one besides pure and utter laziness. YUCK! I have let myself go for this long because I'm LAZY??? Now I have to work harder than I've ever worked before to get my body where it needs to be instead of exercising when I should have to maintain a healthy body.

I really needed to hear this story today. She is truly inspirational.



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